InDesign Script Cutter Reg Marks CHANGE LOG Version 2.2 (231205) a. Add version to error message. b. Miscellaneous. Version 2.1 (230825) a. Miscellaneous. Version 2.0 (230309) a. Update more features URL. Version 1.9 (230212) a. Add button Cutter Marks Pro. Version 1.8 (221229) a. Remove preserve/restore scriptPreferences.measurementUnits. Version 1.7 (221102) a. Fill tint to 100%. Version 1.6 (221022) a. Settings apply set list units before value inputs. Version 1.5 (221019) a. Remove //@target b. Check app name and warn if wrong app for script. Version 1.4 (220805) a. Settings current break apart single return statement. b. Settings apply and current try/catch/alert errors. c. Improved done alert or error. Version 1.3 (220715) a. Add option mark size. Version 1.2 (220708) a. Updated function settings.setList. Version 1.1 (220616) a. Handle spreads correctly. Version 1.0.2 (220616) a. Fix loop under loop using same iterator. Version 1.0.1 (220616) a. Separate declare and define script and UI variables. b. Update function validateFloat (argument negative). c. X and Y offsets allow negative values. d. Miscellaneous. Version 1.0 (220415) New script based on Illustrator script Cutter Reg Marks version 3.2