InDesign Script Export Layers CHANGE LOG Version 5.1 (240425) a. Remove option 'Export in background'; leaves behind duplicate PDF preset. b. Number spreads in sequential order. c. Fix problems with ruler origin causing page items not detected on page. d. Rebuild i18n. Version 5.0 (240418) a. Add try/catch to 'interactivePDFExportPreferences' properties missing in old versions. Version 4.9 (240412) a. New function 'resolveExistingFile' to deconstruct path and add 'copy'. Version 4.8 (240321) a. Not replacing files add 'copy' to new file that would otherwise overwrite. Version 4.7 (231206) a. Property doc.filePath is valid when doc.saved is false. b. Wrap get doc.filePath in try/catch. c. Progress increment before display not after. d. Add version to error message. e. Set properties individually rather than properties object. f. Miscellaneous. Version 4.6 (230918) a. PDF print disable preset property exportAsSinglePages. Version 4.5 (230820) a. Set 'folderXxxxxLastValid' once selected. b. Export preferences use enumerated arrays. c. PDF Interactive remove option background export. d. Miscellaneous. e. Rebuild i18n. Version 4.4 (230816) a. Function 'overrideParentPages' set ruler origin to page and restore ruler origin when done. b. Function 'overrideParentPages' loop backwards to keep stacking order. Version 4.3 (230716) a. Fix missing i18n. Version 4.2 (230630) a. Update program logic override parent pages. b. Rename var 'masterPages' => 'masterSpreads'. Version 4.1 (230526) a. Set ruler origin to page. Version 4.0 (230526) a. Fix page item position shift when override parent page. Version 3.9 (230525) a. Release version 3.8.2 Version 3.8.2 (230522) a. Window title add i18n. Version 3.8.1 (230520) a. Add options recent folders remove and clear all. b. Add option 'Ignore empty layers'. c. Add legacy setting. d. Internationalize. e. Miscellaneous. Version 3.8 (230331) a. Re-order interface options. Version 3.7 (230330) a. Set properties individually rather than properties object. Version 3.6 (230319) a. Remove legacy settings. Version 3.5 (230225) a. Miscellaneous. Version 3.4 (230222) a. Validate JPG and PNG resolution max 2400. Version 3.3 (230127) a. CS6 unsaved doc name property is read-only. Version 3.2 (230114) a. Fix settings option uppercase. Version 3.1 (221029) a. Fix mistakenly renamed 'folderOutput'. b. Simplify variable docFolder to decode(doc.filePath). c. New function setFolder climb folder hierarchy until one exists. d. Add script variables 'folderXXXXLastValid'. e. Folder property 'fsName' use 'fullName' instead. Version 3.0 (221019) a. New handling settings output folder. b. Miscellaneous. Version 2.9 (221013) a. Save settings include options allow when name is [Default]. b. Settings apply add function setFolder. c. Settings apply remove set output folder to document location. d. Settings apply remove set output folder to default. e. Set output folder to document location before load settings. f. If default output folder is set, set after load settings. g. Eliminate var 'folderDoc'; used once, do it there. Version 2.8 (221010) a. Override output folder when settings are selected and have output folder. b. Remove comment configureUI() will unlock when done. Version 2.7 (221010) a. On load folderOutputMRU skip any that no longer exist. b. Remove //@target c. Check app name and warn if wrong app for script. d. Function process rename var 'file' => 'fileOutput'. e. Folder objects global and create in btnOK.onClick. f. Save output folder always, but remove if option unchecked when save settings. g. Override saved output folder if settings.folderOutputDefault is set. h. Window output more on OK save settings to store outputFolderDefault. i. Rename var 'folderOutputDefault' => 'folderDoc'; confused with setting.folderOutputDefault. j. Remove unneeded var 'fileNameDefault'. Version 2.6 (220831) a. Name export doc without extension and without ' / Layer '. So text variable for file name is simply file name + layer. Version 2.5 (220827) a. Settings replace list add empty item so minimum two items. b. Settings list add empty item so minimum two items. Version 2.4 (220825) a. Fix bug still testing format by string value, not index. Caused 'outputAllPages' test to fail. Version 2.3 (220805) a. Format switch use list index not text. b. Add script global var extensions. c. Settings current break apart single return statement. d. Settings apply and current try/catch/alert errors. e. Improved done alert or error. f. Function process rename fileName => baseName. g. Append version suffix when file of same name exists. h. Miscellaneous. Version 2.2 (220708) a. Move unlock settings to listSettings.onChange. Version 2.1 (220708) a. Updated function settings.setList. b. Miscellaneous. Version 2.0 (220614) a. Equals or not null make strict comparison. Version 1.9 (220601) a. Restore language extensions to script scope. Version 1.8 (220527) a. Update check for missing links. b. Move language extensions to global scope. c. During process never interact to suppress dialogs then restore. d. Miscellaneous. Version 1.7 (220523) a. Update regex for fileNameDefault. b. Miscellaneous. Version 1.6 (220520) a. Add option output multi-page per layer (PDF only). b. Above requires outer loop be layers, inner loop pages. c. Add check for file name and path limits. d. Add options output all, visible, and unlocked layers. e. Miscellaneous. Version 1.5 (220430) a. Warn if document not saved, because script opens a copy. b. Add option to output locked layers with each unlocked layer. c. Tighten UI. d. Fix miscellaneous glitches. Version 1.4 (220329) a. Count spreads whether size is page or content (was only when page). Version 1.3 (220328) a. Fix error when no master page assigned to page. b. Name copy of open document 'docCopy' instead of overwriting 'doc'. c. Set name of docExport so it shows in page information. d. Disable bleed checkboxes when exporting content. Version 1.2 (220322) a. Test if master pages is null before setting master page margins. Version 1.1 (220314) a. Remove requirement doc must be saved. b. When doc is not saved, vars assigned doc.filePath leave empty. c. Remove i18n remnants. Can add back later if needed. d. Panel 'Export' rename to 'Size'. Version 1.0 (220311) New script based on Export Named Pages version 5.3