InDesign Script PDF Printer Spreads CHANGE LOG Version 4.5 (231217) a. Set properties individually rather than properties object. b. Add version to error message. c. File methods use only 'openDialog' do not use 'openDlg' does not use filter function. Version 4.4 (231127) a. Add option Center fold marks. b. Rebuild i18n. c. Miscellaneous. Version 4.3 (230308) a. Assign e to error before test for user cancel. b. Page count divisible insert 'is'. c. Update function validateFloat. d. Rebuild i18n. Version 4.2 (230222) a. Read script folder for i18n make consistent with AI and PS. b. Update copyright year. Version 4.1 (221227) a. If new document is more than 1 page, remove the excess. b. Add missing verbiage and update i18n. Version 4.0 (221101) a. Stroke tint to 100%. a. Folder property 'fsName' use 'fullName' instead. Version 3.9 (221022) a. Settings apply set list units before value inputs. Version 3.8 (221019) a. Remove //@target b. Check app name and warn if wrong app for script. Version 3.7 (220804) a. Settings current break apart single return statement. b. Settings apply and current try/catch/alert errors. c. Improved done alert or error. Version 3.6 (220709) a. Updated function settings.setList. b. Need useless catch in process function or error does not bubble up. c. Implement throw error 'abort~...' instead of using var abort. d. Implement better response when placing PDF fails. Version 3.5 (220616) a. Update function validateFloat (argument negative). b. Implement file.openDlg for existing files. Version 3.4 (220416) a. Fix NaN error because bleed vars not initialized to zero. b. Errors thrown in placePdfPages leave error not convert to abort string. Version 3.3 (220406) a. Test if master pages is null before setting master page margins. Version 3.2 (220307) a. Replace 'User canceled' => 'Canceled' b. Validate functions pass uiEdit argument. c. Replace function 'progress' with 'working' window. d. Rebuild i18n. e. i18n file encoding UTF-8. f. Settings file encoding UTF-8. Version 3.1 (220222) a. Replace 'Processing complete' => 'Done' b. Replace done alert if statement with 'abort || "Done"'. c. Drop down lists make array third argument instead of in properties object. d. Variation of improved progress function. e. Update i18n. f. Rename pageX => pageW. g. Rename pageY => pageH. h. Rename pdfX => pdfW. i. Rename pdfY => pdfH. j. Draw fold marks. k. Set doc slug area to 24 points. Version 3.0 (220114) a. Miscellaneous, minor. Version 2.9 (220111) a. Hoist var settings. b. Function setList/listSelection rename list => uiList. c. Function validateUnits rename inp => uiEdit, list => uiList d. Function valueAsPoints rename inp => uiEdit, list => uiList e. Rename localeEuro => decimalComma f. Panel Layout increase spacing. Version 2.8 (220102) a. Remove unused var abort. b. Remove unused var doneMessage. c. Make var doc script global. d. Rework pdfPlace loop for better error handling. e. Allow comma in numeric entry for decimal comma. f. Measurement units drop-down list for bleed limit. g. Save last settings. h. Function setList/listSelection rename control => list. i. Miscellaneous. Version 2.7 (211212) a. Read i18n catch (_) empty variable. b. Function createDoc rename var error => fail. c. Fix typo restore preferences transparentBackground. d. Miscellaneous. Version 2.6 (211129) a. Printer spreads broken. Group pages, then move group to x,y -bleedDoc. b. Miscellaneous. Version 2.5 (211013) a. Miscellaneous. Version 2.4 (210916) a. Remove support message with email address. Version 2.3.1 (210608) a. Zoom at end use active window, show pasteboard. Version 2.3 (210526) a. Tweaks to match changes to PDF Place and Export v 3.2 Version 2.2 (210425) a. Use script preferences measurement units. b. Miscellaneous. Version 2.1 (210419) a. Add options page order nested/stack. b. Improved error handling. Version 2.0 (210403) a. New place PDF engine to better handle PDFs with problem page boxes. Version 1.0.4 (210321) a. Alert and confirm supply all arguments. Version 1.0.3 (201219) a. Mac open pdf recognize alias in Macintosh file filter. b. Windows open pdf use Windows file filter. c. Open pdf validate extension as .pdf Version 1.0.2 (201013) a. UI consistency. b. Miscellaneous. (remove excess after JSON code; update i18n) Version 1.0.1 (200102) a. Miscellaneous. Version 1.0 (191230) a. Initial release, based on PDF Place and Export version 2.3.