InDesign Script Varnish Maker CHANGE LOG Version 4.3 (231217) a. Set properties individually rather than properties object. b. Remove function 'clearObjectStyle'; causes unwanted content shift. Version 4.2 (230510) a. Set varnish element object style to 'None'. Version 4.1 (230222) a. Read script folder for i18n make consistent with AI and PS. Version 4.0 (230114) a. Make Photoshop function a minified string so when compiled script works. b. Wrap JSXBIN in JSX doScript after //@targetengine, stripped when compiled. Version 3.9 (221102) a. Fill and stroke tint to 100%. Version 3.8 (221019) a. Remove //@target b. Check app name and warn if wrong app for script. Version 3.7 (220806) a. Close working once at end, before that hide working. b. Miscellaneous. Version 3.6 (220616) a. Equals or not null make strict comparison. Version 3.5 (220601) a. Restore language extensions to script scope. Version 3.4 (220527) a. LinkStatus.NORMAL use enumerated value. b. Move language extensions to global scope. c. Walk groups to varnish items within. Version 3.3 (220503) a. Photoshop set dialog modes NO. Version 3.2 (220427) a. Remove Photoshop app to front. Annoying. Version 3.1 (220426) a. Photoshop bring app to front. b. Set Photoshop script dialog modes to ERROR. c. Remove Photoshop dialog modes ALL in finally. Version 3.0 (220307) a. Photoshop script add to finally DialogModes.ALL b. Replace 'notify' with 'working' window. c. i18n file encoding UTF-8. d. Rebuild i18n. Version 2.9 (220114) a. Remove scriptPreferences.userInteractionLevel. b. Remove scriptPreferences.enableRedraw. Version 2.8 (220111) a. Edited comments. b. Function selectedTextOutlines updated to fix error. Added var frameOffset difference parentStory/frame insertion point. Subtract frameOffset from index1 and index2 to get correct index. Nevertheless, added better error reporting for original problem. c. Update i18n. Version 2.7 (211212) a. Miscellaneous. Version 2.6 (211130) a. Miscellaneous. Version 2.5 (210916) a. Remove support message with email address. Version 2.4.2 (210522) a. Add oval to selection switch. b. Vanish objects set fill and stroke tint 100%. c. REVERT (wrap palette interface in function for variable scope). Make 'wp' script global, remove making window inside IIFE. Buttons objects go back to attaching to wp (window) object. Version 2.4.1 (210521) a. Rename global variables. b. Wrap palette interface in function for variable scope. c. Add function errorAlert. Version 2.4 (210426) a. Varnish text handle strokes correctly. NOTE: as of 4/26/2021 InDesign v16.1 strokes on compound paths are incorrect. This causes glitch on text with 'holes' (a, b, d, e, p, etc.). The varnish stroke goes into shape not out. Code will work correctly when the InDesign bug is fixed. b. Varnish selection check for selection or if insertion point. Version 2.3 (210422) a. Images in rectangular frames, if keyline (stroke), varnish also. b. Improved error handling. c. Varnish selection include Polygon and GraphicLine. d. Rename vars frame/frameCopy to elShape/elVarnish. e. Rename vars pathOriginal/pathVarnish to linkOriginal/linkVarnish. f. Rename function varnishFrame to varnishElement. Version 2.2.1 (210415) a. Add notify.update() to force message to display. Version 2.2 (210324) a. Fix text varnish using wrong shape element. b. New function 'selectedTextOutlines'. Version 2.1.3 (210321) a. Alert and confirm supply all arguments. Version 2.1.2 (201014) a. Miscellaneous. (remove excess after JSON code; update copyright year) Version 2.1.1 (191220) a. Fix window button return value problem with Windows close button. Version 2.1 (190902) a. Miscellaneous. Version 2.0 (190624) a. Miscellaneous. Version 19.3.10 (1.5) a. Varnish page fix missing bleed when facing pages and spread is single page. b. Varnish spread fix excess when facing pages and spread is single page. c. If off page, extend varnish to bleed. d. Correctly manage bleed for spreads greater than 2 pages. e. Limit image varnish bounds only when image frame fill is none, paper, or CMYK all zero. f. Properly create varnish for text when multi-line. g. Miscellaneous. Version 19.3.8 (1.4) c. Add license. Version 19.2.24 (1.3) a. Internationalization. Version 19.2.21 (1.2.1) a. Miscellaneous. Version 18.12.20 (1.2) a. Remove option multiply. InDesign update alters images below varnish. Version 18.12.8 (1.1.2) a. Fix typo should be "error has occurred." b. Miscellaneous. Version 18.9.26 (1.1.1) a. Miscellaneous. Version 18.8.19 (1.1) a. If request to create varnish image and original image is missing or modified, offer to make simple varnish frame. b. Miscellaneous.