Photoshop Script Crop To Margins CHANGE LOG Version 3.5 (231208) a. Function 'mergeLayers' add unlock all layers. b. Progress increment before display not after. c. Return results from cropping function. d. Revise function 'mergeLayers' to handle vector masks correctly. e. Rebuild i18n. f. Miscellaneous. Version 3.4 (231017) a. Content-aware cropping make compatible with PS v25. b. Add version to error message. Version 3.3 (230822) a. Set 'folderXxxxxLastValid' once selected. b. Miscellaneous. Version 3.2 (230327) a. Add format BMP. b. Add option merge to single layer. c. Rebuild i18n. Version 3.1.3 (230323) a. Add option image less than crop log. b. Add option when less than crop save to subfolder. c. Rebuild i18n. Version 3.1.2 (230322) a. Use dupe layer to replace function selectLayerHighestNormalVisible. b. Implement isMasked. c. Add script variable 'lessThanCrop'. d. Add function selectionBounds. e. Update function selectLayer to layer object not id or name. Version 3.1.1 (230322) a. Bad file format throw error instead of results push. b. Save file add catch check for cancel. c. Rename 'processDocCrop' => 'processDoc'. d. Eliminate 'processDocPrepSave'; put code in process loop. e. 'When image is less than crop' => 'Image less than crop'. f. Rename var 'cbUseCAFill' => 'cbLessContentAware'. g. Rename var 'cbCropEdge' => 'cbLessCropEdge'. h. Rename associated settings properties to match new var names. i. Legacy settings set new properties and remove old properties. j. Add polyfill trim. k. Miscellaneous. l. Rebuild i18n. Version 3.1 (230222) a. Fix language file fails to load. Version 3.0 (221229) a. Update i18n. Version 2.9 (221212) a. Internationalize. Version 2.8 (221031) a. Function getFiles add WEBP to known Photoshop extensions. Version 2.7 (221029) a. Folder property 'fsName' use 'fullName' instead. b. New function setFolder climb folder hierarchy until one exists. c. Add script variables 'folderXXXXLastValid'. Version 2.6 (221022) a. Remove path separator when combining pathOutput and subpath. b. Log contents add trailing return. c. Result when flatten only when process folder. d. Log indexed color. Version 2.5 (221020) a. Add zoom out after active image done. b. Settings apply function setFolder remove excess return. c. Select input folder add current location. d. Miscellaneous. Version 2.4 (221015) a. New function selectLayerHighestVisible. b. Restore checkboxes content-aware fill and crop to edge. c. Function mergeLayers handle vector masks. d. Function mergeLayers incorporate rasterizeLayers as sub-function. Version 2.3 (221013) a. Settings save dialog add include input/output folders. b. Settings apply setFolder do not clear value when prop is empty. c. PNGSaveOptions remove property embedColorProfile. d. Remove useless function xmpRemoveProfile. Version 2.2 (221010) a. New handling for subpath. b. Implement new function openFile. c. Folder objects global and create in btnOK.onClick. d. New handling of output file object creation. e. Script global extension, format. f. Function saveAndClose remove excess catch. g. New log message for background test flattened. h. Update panel 'Settings' to match others. i. Function saveAndClose try all. j. Miscellaneous. Version 2.1 (220928) a. Remove //@target b. Check app name and warn if wrong app for script. Version 2.0 (220912)