Photoshop Script Images fileReport CHANGE LOG Version 2.4 (231211) a. Miscellaneous. Version 2.3 (221102) a. Folder property 'fsName' use 'fullName' instead. b. Function getFiles add WEBP to known Photoshop extensions. Version 2.2 (221022) a. Select input folder add current location. b. Miscellaneous. Version 2.1 (221009) a. Remove //@target b. Check app name and warn if wrong app for script. c. Folder objects global and create in btnOK.onClick. Version 2.0 (220804) a. Bring to front and close working before alert or notify. b. Close button false has no effect in Photoshop. c. Working remove "Press ESC to cancel". d. Working window size to match others. e. Correct getFiles() comment. f. Replace function notify with alert and confirm. g. Use doneMessage instead of var abort. i. Settings current break apart single return statement. j. Settings apply and current try/catch/alert errors. Version 1.9 (220708) a. Miscellaneous. Version 1.8 (220616) a. Separate declare and define script and UI variables. b. Miscellaneous. Version 1.7 (220523) a. Remove function testCancel. Not necessary. b. Test error 'User cancel' instead of 'User cancelled'. c. Update regex for baseName and extension. d. Update regex for fileReport name. Version 1.6 (220503) a. DialogModes.NO once processing. Version 1.5 (220426) a. Last change to DialogModes.ERROR displays error when appMenuItem('selectNoLayers'). Version 1.4 (220426) a. Add DialogModes.ERROR at begin of script. b. Remove DialogModes.ALL. Version 1.3 (220308) a. Replace 'User canceled' => 'Canceled'. b. Replace function 'progress' with 'working' window. c. Settings file encoding UTF-8. d. NEW function getFiles. e. Miscellaneous. Version 1.2 (220121) a. Add .ps to list of files to ignore. b. Move progress before try/finally. Version 1.1 (220105) a. Rename 'Profile' => 'Color profile'. b. Make color profile String or "" if undefined. c. Store color profile = "" as null. d. Add natural sort for files array. e. Hoist var settings. f. Miscellaneous. Version 1.0 (220104)